Monday, September 29, 2014

My Persoanal complaints about the United States Government.
Front CoverAccording to Fareed Zakaria, author of the book “The Post-American World”, he describes the American political system as “Do-nothing politics” and goes into detail in his book about why this trend is impeding America’s progress in the world ( Zakaria 232). I agree with this view as there’s nothing that grinds my gears more than inefficacy within the government that stem from petty disputes to just complete idiocy as there are two main reason that I feel for theses annoyance that not only I feel but many other people do as well.
Democrats and Republicans - 15 big differences between them.The first reason that these issues emerge is because of political polarization, this has become more common place in the American political system as people who are in separate parties are not allowed to come to a compromise simply because then they will seem “weak” to other people in that party. This makes for many debates that resolve nothing and instead waste more time as was apparent in October 2013, when there was a government shut down because Republicans didn’t want to come to any compromise and just decided to throw a hissy fit over not getting there way. This can easily be fixed by politicians learning to compromise again, as they did during FDR administration during the great depression, as even if people were in different parties there was a need for proactive legislation which was passed in the form of FDR’s “New Deal”.  
The second reason for they issues is money as it seems that every day more politicians are focused on what their pay is rather than the work they are doing. From election campaigns to the likelihood that a bill will be past, money has its way of getting into the political process and mucking it up. I understand that nothing is free but the fact that congress literally does nothing before elections is ridiculous when there are huge problems that won’t sit still for them. This is also annoying when special interest groups are involved in politics and the ones with more money can get what they want, it makes the American political system a place where only the rich get what they want. This could be fixed by just having the focus of the government on making changes for the good for more people rather than a select few.

These “Do-Nothing politics” really do hinder America’s full potentially in the global political game and it honestly annoys me, personally to see grown adults act like children when they should be focusing on the betterment of the American people. I complain about this government because I care and wish to see it return to its glory days of actually being able to compromise and pass efficient legislation, I would hate to see America struggle with issues that could have easily been solved by changes that need to be made, even if they are hard at first but will eventually set America up for a more progress and well off future for all of the American people. 

Work Cited
Index of /wp-content/uploads/2012/01." Index of /wp-content/uploads/2012/01. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2014.
Jeff. "15 Differences Between Democrats And Republicans." Addicting Info. N.p., 21 Sept. 2014. Web. 28 Sept. 2014.
Zakaria, Fareed. The Post-American World: Release 2.0. New York: W. W. Norton, 2011. Print.


  1. The complaints you voice here will resonate with many Americans, as it's becoming increasingly obvious that our political system needs some fixing. Your tone is rational and appealing.

    I would recommend you write your posts in Word, though, so you can benefit from the grammar flags that it would give you. Problems like using "potentially" instead of "potential" could also be caught by reading your post out loud to yourself once you've written it. This sentence, as well, made me work really hard as a reader:

    "I agree with this view as there’s nothing that grinds my gears more than inefficacy within the government that stem from petty disputes to just complete idiocy as there are two main reason that I feel for theses annoyance that not only I feel but many other people do as well."

    Overall, you have important and good things to say, so it's almost good news that the editing is what you need to work on. Wouldn't it be terrible not to have something to say?

  2. Yeah I'm one of those who share the same view. A government shutdown should never come to be. It really is like the sharks vs. the jets, there can be negotiation. It shouldn't be that hard to meet in the middle on so many issues. It's better to take baby steps in some direction rather than make no move at all. At least give citizens something they can have faith in and know they can depend on.
