Thursday, September 18, 2014

Music: The universal inspiration
Music has always mattered to me, heck music has mattered to a whole lot of people, from Beethoven to Bob Dylan, as well as the fact that music has shaped cultures and people’s lives throughout the world. Music is a universal language and art that can be loved and appreciated from anyone and bring people together from anywhere around some sweet tones and melodies.

Music has greatly shaped my life in both big and small ways, from being in orchestra throughout high school, too preforming music at shows, music has introduced me to many different people and experiences that I probably wouldn't have had without it. A world without music isn't even possible for me to imagine as I have music almost 24/7 as it fills me with joy as it changes the normal day to day into an experience, with millions of people’s interpretations of life making up the sound track of mine.  Whether I will be listening to music in the car or jamming out with my friends, music always has something to give me and in turn I can create music to give to everyone else.
Overall music has been the one hobby of mine that has made the biggest impact in my life and is the one that I am the most passionate about. Music will be a part of my life indefinitely as it continues to entrances me in all of its lows and highs, and all of its beautiful and emotional tones. 


  1. I'm with you: music is magic. I always wonder what part of evolution made music such a profound thing for human beings (question: are there any animals who respond to music on a deep level?).

    For me, the part of your post I'd have liked to see covered with more detail is this: has introduced me to many different people and experiences that I probably wouldn't have had without it.

    This would be a great place to get specific, as it's the specifics that really stick with readers more than generalities.

  2. I love music too but I guess I'm not super passionate about it. You are definitely more into then I am and that's awesome! The world needs that so we HAVE great music to listen to. :) I agree with Jocelyn, what experiences have you had that you wouldn't have had without your in depth passion of music? What people? Otherwise you did a wonderful job! I love that I can just tell from your writing that you are in love with music :)
    p.s. I used to pass by Dylan's old house in Hibbing every day that I went to school!
